Print Buying Service

Printing Services is staffed and equipped to produce Iowa State's core printing needs efficiently and on-site. Work outside of that core area is evaluated and if it can be produced more efficiently elsewhere our print procurement staff uses the competitive bid process to obtain the pricing. Projects anticipated to exceed $50,000 are coordinated with procurement services for bid. After bids are opened and reviewed, Printing orders are issued from Printing Services and entered into the purchasing system

Contract administration is provided and printing production is monitored by ISU's print purchasing agents. Invoices are reviewed and then forwarded to Accounting for payment processing.

Our department is a 100% cost-recovery, fee-for-service unit which must charge for all products and services we provide. To align with fee-for-service rules, we will be charging for print-outsourcing administration, as a percentage of the total outsourced print-service cost. By having an experienced print-buyer on staff to facilitate these orders for our campus customers, we save the university as much as $230,000 in 2018, when comparing the highest bids to the winning bids. This position also provides the peace-of-mind that print orders will be handled with someone who has knowledge and experience in the printing industry, all while supporting the brand and best interests of the University. This greatly outweighs the cost of administration expenses.